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This series is designed to familiarise readers with mid-length to full-length novels. The novels have their own respective themes and unique storylines, with the addition of colourful illustrations, enabling readers to develop a sustained interest in reading.

sku: 9789670564104
Author: (马)李慧慧 Li hui hui
Publication Date: 1/9/2013
Publisher: 红蜻蜓出版有限公司
Series: Odonata Illustrated Novels 红蜻蜓绘图小说.08
Age: 10 & above

班长不都是由品学兼优、表现特出的人来当的吗?怎么平时安安静静的甄朵丽,在升上四年级的第一天,竟也被提名为班长?! 新来的蒋老师,设定了三个星期的“观察期”,让朵丽和另一个班长候选人——可欣,轮流当正副班长。 在姐姐的鼓励之下,朵丽决定把握这个难得的机会。可是……没当过班长的朵丽,要怎样做才能当个好班长?